Lovely  Lake  Cabin near Sommerset,  Wisconsin

mark ann me tommy
on Squaw Lake 





Well, if you are getting this email flyer, you must be either family or friend of a Fourré, even if it is once or twice removed.


We have a cabin (in the background), built by my dad and brothers (Mark pictured here on the left) when they were still quite young.  So that was a while ago !!!!   In the mid 1960's I'd say.  


  And, I'm sorry to say, all of my siblings want to sell it - except me (on the right).  


squaw chairs And since I don't have the money to buy them out, I'm making a last ditch effort to find someone who might be interested in purchasing part of it (sharing w me)

or purchasing all of it.  I'd feel better if the new owners were some how connected to us - a relative, even someone who knows someone who knows someone !! 

I have a very hard time with idea of handing 

it over to strangers.   


***  GREAT LOCATION !!  Only an hour's drive from the Twin Cities


We primarily use it as a day cabin - it's close enough to come up for the day, even just an afternoon - build a fire, cook up those hot dogs, warm up the beans, maybe even roast some marshmallows and make smores ....  take the canoe out for a leisurely paddle ...  jump in the lake if it's a hot day....  then watch the sun go down over the lake.... pack up, make sure you've doused the fire and head home ...


*** It provides enough of a get away to renew your spirit before heading back to the daily grind..... 



*** Totally private - secluded spot - you feel 100% away from the city  


***  40 feet of lakeshore    


*** approximately 4 acres of land .... mostly wooded area... 


***        sq ft of cabin  


***  large area behind the cabin - perfect for garden - 

grow food - sustainable living -

well, ok, needs some trees cleared for more sunlight .... 



*** Good financial  investment     

*** I person
ally don't have much trust in the stock market...  just a bunch of numbers  

on a piece of paper that unpredictably go up and down ...  


*** I like the solid feel of real estate ...

 it's 'market value' may also go up and down... 

 but the land doesn't change ...  this is close to the city, 

on a body of water, with space to grow food ....    



*** The details ....  


Long sandy beach down to the water (fresh sand 

recently brought in) 

Main room with 3 large picture windows and 

wood burning stove  

Kitchen is galley style with sink overlooking the front yard and lake so you can keep an eye on the kids 

while making dinner or washing up  

(remember designed and built by an architect 

father of 8 children)

One main bedroom with another area for bunkbeds

Bathroom that never quite got finished - except for

 functioning shower  

So we use an old fashioned outhouse 

Hot and cold running water  

Screen door has that old fashioned 'slap shut' sound to it



I would really appreciate it if you would forward this flyer, or email this
link  SQUAW CABIN  to any family or friends you think might be interested ...
Or better yet, if you are interested yourself, let me know. 
Thanks ...   Liza Fourré